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You can help Ukraine with GPM 1.2% in less than 5 minutes
Detailed explanation on how to
1. Enter to Google "VMI EDS"

2. Pick EDS - VMI

3. Click on "Prisijungti prie EDS"

4. Choose how you're going to log in

5. Click on "Pildyti formą"

6. Choose "Prašymas skirti paramą"

7. Click on the globe icon

8. Click "Pradėti"

9. Enter receiver number: 303344714

10. If you see "Tarptautinis labdaros ir paramos fondas "Pagalbos sparnas"" click "Tęsti"

11. Enter allocated part of the tax: 1,2

12. In field "Mokesčio dalį skiriu iki mokestinio laikotarpio" select desired year, e.g. 2024

13. In field labelled "Mokesčio dalies paskirtis" enter "Parama veiklai"

14. Click "Išsaugoti"

15. Make sure everything what have you entered is correct and click "Taip, teisingi"

16. Click on "Formuoti prašymą"

17. Click on "Pateikti"

18. Click on "Pateikti"

Thank you for your support!
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